California Outfitters, Volunteer Trail Crew

June 6 - 9, 2002, Picture notes

The dates that appear on most of the pictures are in YY MM DD format. Year, Month, Day. Pictures are "named" with the sequential picture number, an underscore character, the dots per inch (DPI) that the picture was scanned in at and when needed a single letter to differentiate when a picture had several areas scanned in at the same DPI setting. For example: 01_300b is picture 1, scanned in at 300 DPI, second image in this series. While 01_75 is picture 1 scanned in at 75 DPI.

All pictures that I scanned in were on paper and about 4" x 6" inches in size. I used my HP-5370C scanner with the "free" software that came with it to scan them in. In some of the pictures there appear to be "specks" on the picture, most of these are where I scratched the glass in scanning in old photographs from my family album.

I took almost all the pictures here. The exceptions are pictures 01 and 32 which were taken by random bystanders. Picture 08 was taken by Steve. All pictures and text are copyright (©) 2002, by California Outfitters, Fresno, California.

I used a "film" camera, not a digital camera, for all of these pictures. The logic behind using an "old fashioned" camera is that it:

  1. Is small. water resistant, and has a sliding lens cover. (This is important as I carry it in my pocket where it gets quite sweaty.)
  2. At about $90 it costs less than many digital cameras.
  3. Each color picture has about 12 MegaPixels of data.
  4. Runs on a small battery, and if the battery gets low, the pictures aren't lost. (They are on film which is in my pack.)
  5. When the pictures are scanned in, they may be "cropped" to improve the image. This was done on many of the images on this CD. It is how I made it so that you can "click" on a person and get a bigger version of the same picture.
Taking pictures slows me down a bit, thus most of my pictures are taken from the rear of other hikers and causes me to usually come in last. (At least that is my excuse for always being the last one in.)

The maps all came from a CD that my son was given at the Boy Scout National Jamboree in 2001, by the DeLorme company. (Thank you DeLorme company!)